IIFB Working Group on Digital Sequence Information (DSI)
Why a Working Group on Digital Sequence Information
In December 2023, the COP15 established a multilateral mechanism for benefit-sharing from the use of DSI on genetic resources. The COP also established the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of DSI on Genetic Resources to undertake further development of the multilateral mechanism (decision 15/9). Digital sequence information on genetic resources was also included in Goal C and Target 13 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. In this context, the IIFB has created an internal Working Group on DSI to follow CBD developments on the topic, help to shape positions and make recomendatiosn to the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources.
IIFB Statements on Digital Sequence Information
Other useful resources
- Understanding the Use and Provision of DSI
- What Does Open Access Mean for Researchers?
- Fair and Equitable Matrix-Based Sharing of Monetary Benefits Arising from the Utilization of Digital Sequence Information
- The Impact of Co-Existing Access and Benefit-sharing Obligations on Life Science Companies
- Recognizing Indigenous Interests: Labeling DSI with Provenance Metadata
- Gender and DSI: A Brief Guide for Policy Makers
- Meeting the Goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework: What is the Role of Digital Sequence Information?
- Future-proofing the DSI Multilateral Mechanism: Possible Implications of Artificial Intelligence & Other Upcoming Technologies