The TRɄA World Summit on Traditional Knowledge related to Biodiversity gathered more than 150 leaders of Indigenous Peoples and local communities from 7 socio-cultural regions and government representatives from 26 to 29 August, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia, for an informal dialogue in preparation to the sixteenth meeting of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP 16).
TRɄA means territory for the Emberá. Territory is the integral connection with Mother Nature from which Indigenous Peoples build and weave their cultural identities, their knowledge, and wisdoms. In this summit, all voices united as one, for the TRɄA, towards COP 16.
The TRɄA World Summit summit helped to build consensus among the Indigenous Peoples of the world and to level off priorities for COP 16. As a result of the summit, a series of recommendations were developed to be considered at the UN Biodiversity Conference, including the establishment of the Subsidiary Body on Article 8j (SB8j) and the adoption of a new program of work on Article 8j.
Closing remarks by the organizers
Outcomes of the TRɄA World Summit
- Recommendations on the Subsidiary Body on Article 8j and other provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
- Recommendations and strategies on the new Programme of Work on Article 8j and institutional arrangements.
- Recommendations for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF).
- Recommendations on the linkages between biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation.